Welcome to Wing Tech Inc.


Wing Tech Inc. is a management and technology consulting firm applying cutting-edge decision theory and advanced systems analysis and risk management techniques to help its clients identify, quantify, and manage their risks and opportunities.


The primary objective of our work is to assist our clients to achieve their goals through better informed decisions. We meet this objective by helping them to find innovative strategies, and supporting them to build and expand their internal competencies.

Our executive team and advisers have close ties to Stanford University, a research institution globally renowned as a center of scientific excellence and innovation.

Through our strategically located offices in the US (Silicon Valley, CA; Orange County, CA; Washington, DC) and in Europe (Karlsruhe, Germany), we serve clients across the United States and Europe.


Wing Tech Inc.
101 Jefferson Drive
Menlo Park, CA 94025 – USA

ph +1 650.943.3000
fax +1 650.568.3335
